Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Truth about Christmas

Much of holiday stress is brought on by our expectation that we have to perform in some fashion to show the people around us that we care.  I am just as guilty as the next person in trying for that holiday perfection.  But lets be honest.  Our lives will never be a Norman Rockwell painting.....and why should they be?

Only one song gets me through the season.  (Video and Lyrics after the jump.  Click "Read More")

Let's take it easier on each other this year.

Happy Holidays and peace to all.

"So Christmas makes me see that everyone's like me
the pain I'm going through is pain that they're all feeling too
and it's so encouraging to know that we all want the same thing

to be loved
to be happy
to have hope

That's the truth about Christmas."

Thursday, November 4, 2010


In the wake of the election and the subsequent depression that my liberal heart went through,  I found myself in a funk.  Where do I belong?  If the Nation is rolling toward this "Spiritual awakening" that the Tea Party/Republicans (lets face it...they are the same people) and Sarah Palin are offering, then where do I fit in this world?

Now to be fair, of the 41 Palin-endorsed House candidates who were on the ballot Tuesday, only 22 of her picks won and 13 lost (the remaining 6 races haven't yet come in as of this blog post.)  I am not an alarmist, but this is a bellwether sign for 2012.  Now is the time to fix this.  2012 is too late.

I read about the things that these people are against and I see where it is possible that I will suddenly be branded illegal, immoral, and a blight upon society.  Legislated to a place that seems to be dark and seedy.... much like a Bulwar-Lynton novel, or a Sam Spade-esque Noir film.

What do these people want to legislate?
Immigration = Arizona style racial profiling is on the ballot for many states. (I am an American born-and-raised of Hispanic heritage).  My complexion is fair enough that I may never personally feel the effects of this type of legislation.  But I think of my family members and friends who may not be so lucky to avoid harassment because of their skin color.

Anti Gay Legislation = Marriage, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, etc. - I am gay.  My relationships mean nothing without jumping through a separate set of legal rules that will never give me the same rights that a husband and wife have.  I cannot serve in the military.  In certain states, I cannot adopt.

Lets boil this down....Today, I am a tax paying, law-abiding citizen.  Six years from now, if I make NO CHANGES to who I am or what I do, I may be a criminal.

How far away from being criminalized are you? 

According to Prefixsuffix.com
PRO = for, foward; as in to "propel" forward
CON = with, together; as in "converge", "concatenate", "conjoin".....make the same

CONservatives (Republican/Tea Party/WHATEVER) are looking to legislate ways to tell other people that their lives are only valid if they "CONverge", "CONcatenate", "CONjoin" with the CONservative way of thinking..... 

PROgressives (Democrats) have passed legislation that, while not all encompassing, is on the right path to PROtect people of different faiths, creeds, color, and sexuality.  PROpeling the idea that in diversity we are strong.  Have they done everything we wanted?  No.  But with them we at least have a chance.

Think about it....how many years until they can lock you up for your racial heritage, sexuality, gender identity, or decisions you have made regarding abortion? 

Eventually the Conservatives will have to raise taxes to build prisons for the rest of us.